Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Two Heads are Better than None

How do people bother to fill these things all the time? I've meant to. But from one week to the next I dont have time.

I read about someone who posts everyday to their LiveJournal.

But, hang on, how can they have anything interesting to say if all they do, day in day out, is post to a live journal?!

Anyway, as I discovered the other day, the title of this posting; never could a truer word be said.

Have a nice Xmas!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

A doorway into Sweden

A photo of a large canvas from my good friend, Geoff Bunn. Who is somewhere in Sweden. Or France.

Listed in LS Blogs the Blog Directory and Blog Search Engine

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Understanding Bloggery

God, not only do I get proper told off for not already being in the middle of an in-depth discussion of Art, I still cant really understand lots of things to do with Blogs.

So, anyway, I am - when I get the time - looking into it all a bit more and I will, hopefully, soon be able to do more than just waffle about things and get onto Art.

In the meantime, have another look at my pussy! (Aint he cute!)