Monday, September 24, 2007

New Conceptual Art

erm... ok. today. well, i've already mentioned the aritst Geoff Bunn. now, another influence, which is kind of linked, is what has been (for some long winded reason and wrongly) called 'new' conceptual art. (but is really Neither Conceptual because the word is Swedish).

this is basically the work of Geoff Bunn and two other artists; Marc Bergerman and his partner Anna H. (both of whom i've also met; but only briefly).

well, they are sort of environmentalist/conceptualist artists but with a difference.

you can look them up. and see if you can see what that difference is.

so, anyway, thats influence number 2 on my own art. which i'll mebbe talk about next. i may even have a photo or two.